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Befriending Week 2021 Posted on Monday, 1 November 2021

Three of our VASL projects are based around befriending and we value the volunteers who give their time to make a difference in people’s lives.
Community Champions volunteers support lonely older people who live alone in Harborough District.
Support for Carers telephone befrienders make a regular phone call to people who care for members of their family.
Wellbeing Befriending Service volunteers support people who want to improve their mental health, with regular calls and encouragement to make changes.

We have a stand at Market Harborough Leisure Centre through the week, and four of our volunteers were interviewed on Harborough FM to explain what befriending means to them.
You can listen to the interviews here.
HarboroughFM – Vital work of volunteers highlighted during Befriending Week.

If you would like to volunteer with VASL and make a difference to someone’s life please contact us 01858 433232 or admin@vasl.org.uk. There are details of the specific projects on their links or look at Volunteering with VASL.

#Befriending is Life changing

#Befriending is Life enhancing