Donate, Sponsor, Fundraise

Donate, Sponsor, Fundraise

Our work relies entirely on securing funding such as grants. In today’s tough economic climate we’re relying more than ever on donations and the generosity of people like you. Your donations help us enhance the services we provide to support people throughout Harborough and Leicestershire. We also rely on donations to provide interesting seminars and gatherings to thank our volunteers who donate so much of their valuable time to us. Have a look at what VASL means to our volunteers and clients.

There are a number of ways that you can help:


In July 2024 our collegue Wendy is embarking on a walk across red hot coals, in the name of VASL. We aim to raise £500, which will help towards our running costs so we can continue our mission to improve the lives of lonely and isolated people in our community.

You can donate through Justgiving at, by cheque payable to VASL or at any of our groups.

We work in partnership with Just Giving to receive one off or regular donations. If you are a tax payer, you may also be eligible to add gift aid to your donation.

  • We also accept monetary and cheque donations (payable to VASL).

Online shopping

There are ways that you can support and donate money to VASL without spending a penny, on us that is.

Once you have set up an account with  Easy Fundraising, they will send money to your chosen charity when you shop online.

Harborough Lotto

Harborough Lotto supports local charities through lotto tickets, much the same way as the National Lotto. The big difference is that you choose which charities to donate to with your ticket purchase.


More information on this coming soon! In the meantime if you have an idea that you would like to do, please get in touch

Leave a Last Legacy – Leaflet

Some people leave money to their chosen charity or choose a charity to accept donations instead of flowers. We would be happy to talk through any of your wishes if this is something that you would like to consider. Our uniqueness is that if there is something specific that you are passionate about and it is something that we are able to deliver, we would promise to make the difference you want.

Local Business

You could choose us as your charity of the year – we run lots of different projects, so there’s all kinds of ways you can help local communities, and make a real difference to people’s lives.

Give your staff the opportunity to volunteer with us – for a great way to motivate them and give them the opportunity to develop new skills.

Sponsor one of our events or leaflets – a great way to show people that you support your local charity.
Providing raffle gifts for our events is another great way to support us.

Contact VASL

Telephone 01858 433 232
Address: VASL, Torch House, Torch Way, Market Harborough, LE16 9HL