Register or Refer for Our Services

If you, or someone you know, could benefit from one or more of our services, we want you to have all the information you need.

You may also like to meet some of our clients or find out more about our services:
Please check the eligibility criteria of our services to see if they are appropriate.

Available across Leicestershire
Support for Carers Leicestershire

Available across Harborough District
Community Champions and Community Wellbeing Harborough

Available across the eastern side of Harborough District up to the A5199
Car Scheme

You can complete the referral form below or if you would like to find out more or have a casual chat with our staff, please contact us by phone or email.

Young Carers Activity Group now provided by HCYC
My Mind Matters The service is now provided by Leicester Life Links

Please complete the details below, and our project team will be in touch to discuss the service in more detail.

    • Are you making this referral on someone's behalf? If yes:

    • Support for Carers - LeicestershireCar Scheme - Eastern side of HarboroughCommunity Champions - HarboroughCommunity Wellbeing Harborough - Harborough

    Thank you for submitting the information. Someone will be in touch with you or with the referred person within 5 working days.

    If you would like to download any of our project leaflets, please see our Leaflets page.

    If you would like to download a form to fill in, please click here.