Community Champions Communications

The page below gives examples of our appearances on broadcast media and in print. Also available are our Project Impact Reports and annual project calendar.

Appearances in the media

Sam and Jenny were on Harborough Fm in April 2024 hoping to recruit more volunteers for befriending and helping people with technology.

We are very grateful to David, one of our Community Champions volunteers, who created this radio promo which he used on his show on Carillon Radio

This Harborough Mail Article talks about the three year extension to our funding.

In the week before King Charles’ coronation, one of our clients Ken, was on BBC East Midlands sharing his memories of the Queen’s Coronation the clip was shared by Ivy Joy’s Vintage Tea Room.

In November 2020 Roger one of our Community Champions volunteers was interviewed by BBC East Midlands about the impact of our project on loneliness. We are grateful to the BBC East Midlands for permission to share this interview.

VASL Community Champions Impact Report

Brilliant impact report. It gives so much information in a concise manner. It is good to see the variety of interventions that you are making to help reduce loneliness.  All of the feed back is incredibly positive and shows what a brilliant job you are all doing

Member of Steering Group 2023

Harborough Mail VASL Blogs

The Harborough Mail prints a blog every fortnight which is written by someone with a connection with VASL, always with an interest in the community. Often people connected with our project contribute.

Community Champions Calendar

The Community Champions project has produced a project calendar for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
These calendars tell the story of our project progress in the previous year. For each month there is a photo from a project event, a quote from a client, volunteer or partner and explanatory statement.
We distribute these to our project community (clients, volunteers and community partner organisations) as a useful tool , but also as a memory of the journey we have been on, and the fun and learning we have had on the way.
The current one illustrates our response to the pandemic.
The calendar is a visual celebration of our growing community.
It’s amazing where these calendars end up – we know one is hung at the Befriending Networks office in Edingburgh , another is at the National Lottery Community Fund office in Birmingham and one of our MPs has taken one to London.

Contact Community Champions

Available across Harborough District
Telephone 01858 439 262
Address: Community Champions, VASL, Torch House, Torch Way, Market Harborough, LE16 9HL