VASL Newsletters

Monthly Newsletters
Community Champions newsletters are distributed to volunteers and clients each month and give project news and information about events in the community.
Community Champions’ Monthly Newsletters

Support for Carers
Monthly newsletters provide information about VASL events and are a great source of information which is relevant to carers.
Support for Carers Monthly Newsletters

Community Wellbeing Harborough
Newsletters are distributed to volunteers and clients each month and give project news and information about events in the community.

See some of our past annual reviews and impact reports.

VASL Annual Review 2018
VASL Annual Review 2019

Summer Review 2020
Spring Review 2021
Summer Review – VASL unlocked 2022

Community Champions
Community Champions Impact Report 2022-23
Community Champions Impact Report July 2020

Support for Carers
Spring 2022 newsletter
Autumn 2022 newsletter